Annual Sports Day 2022


On the beautiful morning of 26th February 2022, annual sports day was held in the premises of Cambridge Madrasa tul Banat sports ground. Under the supervision of sports teachers Miss Fatima Munir and Miss Saima Khan, students were trained for the sports events Each and every student was ready to claim victory in the competition. Besides sports activities, gymnastics, tambourine drill, aerobics and of course song performances were also there.


Maam Talia was guest of honor and was received by Maam Rakshanda and Maam Abida. Then the event was officially started. The colorful performances and thrilling races, made the event memorable. Not only participants were enthusiastic but the audience also, everybody cheered for their team and class mates. The sportsmanship was seen not only once but many times. Participants fell and then rose again with a fighting spirit.


In the end, Maam Talia shared words, and encouraged and congratulated students for showing such a brilliant performances. She thanked the management for giving her chance to come back to her school, which was foundation for her success. Prizes were given to successful students and so this beautiful and memorable day came to an end. Few tears and lots of hope for the next year to win first place.


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